at irregular intervals at various times of day, bouts of wild idleness befall me. i walk. i write. i take too many photographs. and i make amateur mixtapes, which i am sharing here. have a look around, have a listen, get in touch if you like. and yes, i stole the title for this website from an album by wonderful hand habits.
wildly idle
In honour of the 214. birthday of
F é l i x D e l h a s s e
Spa, 5 Jan 1809 - Schaerbeek, 4 Nov 1898
{ réformateur social, homme de cabinet à la vaste culture, un des meilleurs connaisseurs de la musique, de la littérature et des arts de son temps }
I kindly invite you to a casual dinner at my AirBnB
at Rue Félix Delhasse 2, Saint-Gilles
on Thursday, 5 January 2023, from 6 pm
We will take turns reading from Delhasse's
En Ardenne, par quatre bohémiens.
I hope to see you then : )
+49 157 323 96 281